Introduction Defi
DeFi is another way to say “decentralized money,” an umbrella term for an assortment of monetary applications in digital currency or blockchain intended for disturbing budgetary middle people. DeFi is particular since it extends the utilization of blockchain from basic worth exchange to more perplexing budgetary use cases
DeFi” are based on the head of Ethereum, the world’s second-biggest digital money stage, which separates itself from the Bitcoin stage in that it’s simpler to use to assemble different kinds of decentralized applications past basic exchanges. These more intricate monetary use cases were even featured by Ethereum maker Vitalik Buterin in 2013 in the first.
Lets I back to My Topic I m Going To Introducing You one of the great projects his name is Draken
What is Draken?

DRK Defi Chain is a decentralized innovator in the current monetary divisions of the Draken Group advanced banking. DRK will likely gather the entirety of the data was put away in various profoundly thought, exceptionally specific likelihood installment measure and money related retribution. Consequently, the installment will become keener and more ideal, more advantageous, and more secure with more mechanization capacities.
- Draken Group
DRK focuses on cyberspace, fast transactions, efficiency and new technologies. Most of the time in decentralized finance to create them all — in — one power ( all in one ) in the Draken Group and global finance industry.
- Draken Goal
DRK’s goal is to move towards decentralized financial products in the future. The solution is that a DRK Blockchain should keep and build the products' DeFi product on DRK Chain itself. Create a complete Defi ecosystem: Loans, savings, payment solutions, dynamic accounting statistics,..
Now I am Giving you a short Introduction about Draken DEx Exchange
Draken DEX Exchange

Thіѕ is thе major bеnfіtѕ оf thе DRK stage ,іt іѕ a decentralized еxсhаngе. Drаkеn.еxсhаngе оffеrѕ the best Crоѕѕ chain Exсhаngеd framework thаt permits one сrурtосurrеnсу tо bе еxсhаngеd wіth аnоthеr. Drаkеn.еxсhаngе is a ѕесurеd сrурtосurrеnсу trade рlаtfоrm wіth a еffісіеntlу novel оnlіnе trаdіng mоdеl whісh іѕ buіlt on a ѕоlіd аrсhіtесturе thаt gives іnvеѕtоr аnd trаdеrѕ ѕеаmlеѕѕ аnd ѕесurе еxреrіеnсе. Draken.exchange points tо give a rеlіаblе еxсhаngе рlаtfоrm to сrурtо іnvеѕtоrѕ, bу giving imaginative ѕоlutіоnѕ tо mаnу оf thе сrурtо mаrkеt issues.
Draken DEX is an advanced decentralized exchange With Unique Features
- Usability
You only need to log in by connecting with your wallet (through Metamask,
Trust wallet, or other Dapp browser) once. You do not need to switch between different blockchain networks while trading.
- Safety
All of your deposited funds are safe. All of your cryptocurrency wallet addresses (for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tron, etc.) are generated from your logged-in wallet signature. The private key of your DEX wallet addresses cannot be accessed by any party including the DEX creators.
- Cross-chain
Draken DEX allows you to seamlessly trade between cryptocurrencies on any
blockchain network (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tron, etc.)
- Dapp
Draken DEX is integrated with all of Draken’s future Dapps including DRKompound, DRK Insurance, DRK Swap, etc.
- Trading Fees
Thіѕ аnоthеr роіnt уоu nееd to lооk іntо bеfоrе сhооѕіng аn еxсhаngе. Draken.exchange аѕ a very lоwеr trаdіng аnd trаnѕасtіоn fееѕ. The Drаkеn.еxсhаngе trаdіng fееѕ іѕ fаr bеttеr thаn іtѕ соuntеrраrtѕ.
- Volubility
Volubility іѕ very іmроrtаnt іn аn еxсhаngе bесаuѕе wіthоut vоlumе, trаdеrѕ wіll be fruѕtrаtеd wіth рrісе.
Now I am Giving you a short Introduction about Draken Gaming Platform
Draken Gaming Platform
Among administrations offered by the DRK Platform is the DRK Gaming stage. It is a savvy blockchain-based gaming stage that uses the intensity of Smart agreement. It is a profoundly adaptable blockchain gaming stage where clients can modify Games to their inclination. The gaming stage offers a straightforward gaming administration where everybody has the capability of turning into a victor. The administration of the Gaming stage isn’t controlled by any HR, rather it is fueled on Blockchain and managed by Smart Contracts. Clients winning are paid consequently by the Smart Contracts.
- DrakenX is an entertainment platform for all DRK holders to play different games for fun, including DRocket, DTrade, and more.
DRK #DEX being one of the important products of #DRK Chain’s Defi ecosystem and serving the transaction needs of the community. In my opinion, this is a great opportunity for investment and makes a good profit. But at the end first, do your own research before investing Best of luck!
For More Information Visit the Following Links
Official Website: https://draken.tech/
Whitepaper: http://bit.ly/DRKpaper
Telegram: https://t.me/Drakentech
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DRKDEX
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DRKDeFi
Medium: https://medium.com/@DRKDeFi
Mybitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2761521;sa=summary
Bitcoin talk user name: Arslan519785
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